Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Happy Birthday Kansas!

We celebrated Kansas' Birthday by icing sunflower sugar cookies.

They were so yummy!

100th Day

We are 100 days smarter!

Students brought collections of 100.

We had Starbursts and pasta.

There were Legos, crayons, and corn.

We even had 100 Sweet Tarts glued to a poster.
Then there were beads, pennies, and lipstick.

Other items that were brought were beans, pennies, marbles, and keychains.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Our Adjective Poems

We learned that adjectives are words that describe nouns. We used adjectives to describe ourselves. Then we used our         I-Pads to make poems with our adjectives. After we made our poems we colored pictures of ourselves to go above the poems.

If you're in our hallway this week please stop and take a look at our poems.

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Newsletter January 27-31

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Sunday, January 12, 2014

Newsletter January 13-17

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First Grade 1B Christmas Party

We enjoyed the yummy goodies the parents provided for us.

It was fun wearing our pajamas to school!

Some of us wore Santa hats.

Everyone opened gifts.

We had books, toys, and crayons in our gift bags.

Thank you to all the parents who made this party possible!!

Marshall Sing Along 2013

Marshall students gathered in the gym to sing Christmas Songs.

First Grade sang about snow and snirt.

Everyone sang The Twelve Days of Christmas.